In September 1978 three Coffs Harbour District amateurs, Norm Cameron VK2ZNQ, Brian Slarke VK2ZCQ [s/k] and Max Francis VK2BMK, felt that as there was a lack of amateur activity in the area, an Amateur Radio Club would assist in the creation of more activity. With the aim of creating a club, they wrote to all amateurs in the area bounded by Macksville, Dorrigo and Woolgoolga, inviting them to a meeting to be held at the Ocean View Hotel, Urunga on 15th October 1978.
As it was felt that number of local CB operators would be interested in amateur radio, an invitation was issued to the Coffs Harbour CB club and several amateurs attended a meeting of the CB club to talk to the members and let them know the advantages of Amateur Radio.
The first meeting was held at the Ocean View Hotel, Urunga, with about 30 interested people in attendance. After an explanation of the reasons for the meeting and a general discussion several motions were presented and carried resulting in the formation of an Amateur Radio Club with the general boundaries of Macksville, Dorrigo and Woolgoolga and the name ëCoffs Harbour and District Amateur Radio Clubí. Several amateurs from the Port Macquarie area also joined to assist with getting the club running. Their assistance in the foundation was greatly appreciated.
A number of those present were CB operators. A provisional constitution, based on one suggested by the WIA was presented and adopted subject to final approval at the next meeting. The date of the next meeting was set as 3 December 78, again at the Ocean View Hotel. 25 of those present joined the club at the meeting. The initial membership list is thought to have been:-
Jack Gerard VK2ADN Arthur Monck VK2ATM
Harry Alderson VK2NSR- ep Fred Reid vk2dlw
Paul Ireland VK2DMV John Lake VK2OK
Stan Glyde VK2GC Morrie Allen vk2qv
Arnold Austin vk2ada Terry Thorne VK2TL
Peter Drady VK2NIE-dbi Bruce Telfer VK2NHZ-ddu
Ken Golden VK2NSJ-dgt Jim Brinkman VK2IS
Rick Fletcher VK2NSY-bkv Noel Hansen VK2AHH
Max Francis VK2BMK Norm Cameron VK2ZNQ-knc
Russel Ashdown VK2NUN Karen Ashdown VK2NUE
Brian Slarke VK2ZCQ Dave Harding vk2dqr
Eric Collins vk2dqh Brian Lackie vk2dlm
Ray Golden vk2brg
Note – call signs in lower-case were gained later on.
The first executive was :-
President – Max Francis Secretary – Norm Cameron Treasurer – Brian Slarke
Committee- JohnLake, Bruce Telfer, Rick Fletcher and Peter Drady.
More club history with pics maintained by Ken Golden VK2DGT